Cute – @jennycooney and #AlexOLoughlin at #AIFAwards 10/24/13

I put these two twitter pics in their own post because her story made me giggle. 🙂  Jenny is an Australian free lanced journalist who was lucky enough to attend last night.

“Lucky me, got to congratulate #AlexOLoughlin on his #australiansinfilm #breakthroughaward #AussiesRule”

102413 AIFAwards Alex and jenny cooney Twit1

**THis is what cracks me up***

“And just because #alexoloughlin’s lovely partner Malia told him to stop making ‘the face’ in that pic- one without”

102413 AIFAwards Alex and jenny cooney Twit

I laugh because #1, Go Malia! Every woman with a goofy bf/partner feels your pain and #2, the question has popped into my head several times, especially in the past few months after seeing Alex made the media rounds, I’ve wondered “I wonder how many times she has to tell him to stop making faces???” Bwahahahaha!!

ITS TRUE!! ❤ love them both! That’s when you know it’s real.

Also, thanks Malia because that second pic is too cute. *sigh*

ACK!! Forgot to say thanks to my friends miracle and the Alex O’Loughlin Journal for making sure I saw this first thing this morning. What a good laugh! Someone help me…I have serious #AlexOLoughlinHangover !!!

37 thoughts on “Cute – @jennycooney and #AlexOLoughlin at #AIFAwards 10/24/13

  1. I totally had to laugh when I saw this on twitter. And I thought immediately about the interview he gave before Lion was born, where he told Tannya Joaquin that the three men of the house did what they were told.
    Reading that line on twitter about Malia stepping in totally cracked me up. Loved it. And I thought it was SO cute.
    Thanks for putting it up here.

    • You’re welcome! I only have one man in my household and he’d say the same thing. HA!
      Hey, someone has to be ring leader especially in a circus of testosterone! lol!

  2. Malia RAWKS! She has to know these pics will be in the public domain in 5 seconds flat! She has been so good for him, and to see him happy, healthy and loved makes me smile so much!

  3. Sorry Ess but i don’t think you recover from your Alex O’Loughlin hangover soon because we will have a awesome episode tonight (i hope). Don’t worry, i’m here with you, i understand and support you perfectly. It will be a long friday!

    Malia Rocks!!!

      • You keep posting all these wonderful pictures and we will come!!
        As for the #AlexOLoughlinHangover .. um.. what’s wrong with that??

  4. 😀 Ein Lachen am Morgen vertreibt Kummer und Sorgen! Um, would like to loosely translate it to: Laughter in the morning saves the day! 😉

    Thought you would soooooo like this, ESS! 🙂 And look at him! Not only that he looks happy and healthy, but he really enjoys these pics offside the red carpet officials. His smile reaches his eyes. Sometimes, only sometimes, I miss this when he poses for cameras.

    • I so do!! Anytime we get to hear of the ‘real’ Alex its a treat and to get a little glimpse at Malia too is a bonus, especially when it’s a cute story like this.

  5. I’d have to agree. These smiles seem to be the best ones when he can sort of goof around. I loved the story that goes with these photos too! My Friday seems to be getting better and better! TGIFive-0 Friday (course showing Hana ʻaʻa Makehewa to my French student today for 3 classes might make the day just a wee bit better too? 😉 )

    I’m definitely going to try to duck out early on the football game tonight to watch tonight’s ep. Yes I can DVR it but it’s better to watch it LIVE at my time.

          • Really. I don’t know exactly who came up with it when it was sure that H50 season 4 would air on Friday. Was it Joey on twitter? Hm. There is a common hashtag on twitter, #TGIF for Thank God It’s Friday, and #TGIFive0 is the modification someone created for Five-0 Friday.

            • Thanks! I think I was the only one reading tweets (I’m not on twitter yet but I read!!) and not understanding the obvious!
              We’re not very familiar with acronyms in France so…
              BTW (I know this one!!), my 11 years old daughter is learning German.
              How can someone look so goofy on pic #1 and so sweet and genuine on pic #2 ?? Thank you Malia!

              • You’re welcome! 🙂 It’s not THAT obvious, and you’re definitely NOT the only one who has problems with reading/writing on twitter, at least at the beginning. I know several peeps who are on twitter but don’t use it because they don’t know how to handle with only 140 characters. You’re forced to use acronyms and abbreviations, and that sometimes looks pretty funny. To do this in a language that’s not your own doesn’t make it easier. My first time on twitter was… a mess. 😆

                Nice to read your daughter is learning German. Is it her first foreign language? If I can be of any help please let me know. My daughter is learning English since last year (3rd grade), and next year she has to choose another language, Latin or French.

  6. Thanks so much for adding the little story! It makes all the difference. Little things like that endear Alex to us even more. This is a wonderful way to start off the day!!! 😀

  7. Awww! These pics reveals the real Alex, we all love so much…and the second pic..omg! His smile is the pure expression of happiness and it glows his beautiful face…he had a wonderful night for sure and the most important thing: A big night to share with his big love…
    ESS…about your AOLhangover, we used to say: ” la goma se quita con otra cerveza” that means like ” another beer cures the hangover”….so, don’t worry, we’ re gonna have another new episode today and I guess, you’re gonna be happily “AOLdrunk” again :o) ……I have already accepted that I’m a A0Lcoholic, LOL!

  8. May I join the AOLcoholic club?! He is truly addictive – especially when we get to enjoy him as goofy and smiley Alex like on these two photos which are equally fantastic. I love both – the goofy and the smiling Alex – so I’m glad that we got to see both – thanks to Malia 😉

  9. As much as I love Alex´s goofy face, that 2nd pic after being told off 😛 is just too amazing. If only it had been better quality! I want to use that in fan art. I think I still will try 🙂
    If it was Malia taking the pics, this is the moment I envy her the most. To get to have that smile, would melt me into a puddle of goo…

  10. eh, my dad is the only male in the house for the last 15 years, he pretty much does what ether my mum or myself tells him. poor guy. so malia telling alex off about his goofy face, she knows her man, and believe me the smile is just as adorable and cute. it also makes him look younger. ugh that smile pretty much melts me into a puddle of goo goo.

  11. Awesome pics and even more awesome story to go with them – thank you so much for sharing! Obvi, we all wish we’d been Malia at that moment (or to be her at any other moment 😉 )!

  12. I love the storyline to these pics. I so enjoy seeing Alex as himself and with Malia. She’s just what he needed in his life. I wish them many years together (and maybe, a daughter!).

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