Site News and Update – H50BAMF


So the holidays are here and whether you celebrate not, you’re probably spending time with friends and family or some loved ones and most importantly….everything is on re-runs! **gasp**  Because of that, there is normally less traffic on the website at this time of year and less to update as production ends on H50 and the normal Alex updates slow as he’s hopefully off with his family enjoying some quality time with them.

As you all know, it’s been a terrific year on H50BAMF! We’re finishing the year with 3300 subscribers..and 3 times the average daily hits that we were having last year at this time…….W.O.W!! I never thought we’d just keep growing the way we have. Mahalo!  With all that posting and traffic, we’ve started running out of storage so I’ve been considering the WordPress ugrade or finding a new host. You all know WordPress has been doing some wonky things lately, and there are some things I wanted to add to the blog but WP can’t do it.  Then last week I discovered a big security flaw in WP just in time to make my final decision. I’m moving the blog to a new host which will allow us to have everything we had with wordpress, email subscriptions for my non-social media friends, cross-posting for my social media addicts (lol) and new things like an actual gallery!!  woot!!

Kim and Deb, being the awesome people they are, offered to keep the blog going while I worked the new site but they have family and friends too.  So for their X-mas presents, I decided to give them the gift of time off…with their normal pay. I’m awesome like that. HAHAHA!

So this will be the last post on this wordpress blog.  It will stay open for a few days to allow friends to save anything they may be wanting to save.  I *WISH* I could save all y’alls hilarious comments!!  I’m sorry to do this last minute but I started thinking that this down time between new episodes and some time off at the end of the year is really the perfect time to do the transition.  I’d be silly to let this time go and then stress myself out doing it after the new year.

Our goal is to have the new site up and running in a few weeks.

Thank you all for making this so much fun. Here’s to a new and improved 2014!!


PS See you soon!

104 thoughts on “Site News and Update – H50BAMF

  1. Congratulations to all of you who have given us such gifts of beauty, I applaud you! I only wished I could see it 😦 Unfortunately, with your new location and my new job site I won’t be able to visit, ARGH!!! It is truly an unbearable thought that I won’t get to break away from dreadful new surroundings and sneak a peek at news of Mr. O. Ladies, I will just learn to be patient and wait till I get home to log on to the new site. They say…patience is a virtue. I see it now as a challenge, Daily! Again, all of you who made the new site, thank you from the bottom of my heart.

    P.S. I however, will miss H50BAMF just for the name of it alone that is quite BadA$$ itself. And, that I will have to miss it all day long, not sure I will live thru it.

    • Hopefully when you see on the new site the reason we changed the name you wont be so sad. 😉 however i admit the 3 of us were quite melancholy over it. Lol!

      I’m guessing your work is blocking the site? Mine is too. Lol. I have someone working on it so hopefully it will be remedied soon.

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