15 thoughts on “Thigh Holster Thursday #AlexOLoughlin #DanielDaeKim

  1. Let’s all get lost in that jungle with them! BTW, ok if I come to the party? I thought my computer was regressing back in time!

  2. Hey, so excited – I’m invited to the party too!! Welcome Back ESS!!! Missed you!!! I’ll gladly get lost with them any day!!

  3. Ooopps! LOL!! I forgot I had this THT scheduled, I have no idea why I had it scheduled so far out. Who knows why I do what I do sometimes. Ha! Well, I guess it’s fitting that the final post is on THT since it is always the most popular day. πŸ˜‰

  4. I truly loved this side, and I’m already loving your new home.

    I came here daily and plan to do so on your new web. I’m sure when all the glitches are gone, it will be total fun to see what you guys will be up to in the future. The only thing I still need to get used to is that there is only one email with the new posts. It’s really a shame not get a notification right after a post is up.

    Thank you again for all your time and hard work you invested in H50BAMF, which I still think is such a cool name. But in the longrun the new one will be very fitting, even if not quite as cool. YET. πŸ˜‰

    Thanks again, and all the best to the whole team.

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