Extended Promo for S4 on Friday Nights #AlexOLoughlin #McRoll

There’s nothing about this promo I don’t love!!

(except maybe the camaro dying)

Not much in addition to the last one but here ya go….

Thanks to SiCrazy100 YouTube acct.

27 thoughts on “Extended Promo for S4 on Friday Nights #AlexOLoughlin #McRoll

  1. Not much longer now. Can’t wait until it starts. Glad I can watch in September on the internet as not on tv in the uk until 2014. Sky have updated their schedule but can’t confirm date usually it’s January

    • Same here in Germany. Even haven’t finished S3 yet on SAT.1, got stuck at 3.13 Chin in prison ep, then summer hiatus, then… nothing. 😦 Don’t think we’ll continue before October. Now you can do the maths and figure out when S4 will begin here. :(((((

      But… I watch every ep on the internet, so I’m up to date. 🙂 And I love, love, LOVE the promo! Great action, fun and some LOVE (at least it looks like 😉 ). Is it September yet?????

        • Yes, so lucky we can watch online. 3.13 was great IMO 😉 but the point is, we began with S3 the time 3.16 aired in the U.S., early February. 3.13 aired in Germany a few days after the season ender in the U.S. And they came around with the shabby excuse not to be able to air the rest of S3 after two months like last year because of not having synchronized all of the remaining episodes!!!! Helloooo! Anybody there???? They’ve had plenty of time!

          Oh, and I have to correct myself: If I’m right we won’t continue before early November… *sad angry face*

          And with this rant I’m off to bed. :)) Night all! :)) *zzzzzzzzz*

          • Yep, i’m one of the internet watchers too! Nothing new on swiss tv 😞 and i really hope my page still works in september to stream the new h5o epis!!!

          • I may feel better about 3.13 after rewatching it. I just remember thinking at the time, this aired right on a prime night after a major NFL game and I felt like they went for action over substance in the episode trying to prove to the new eyeballs that H50 is action packed when their real strength is in the characters.

            • You’re right, it IS an action packed episode, but not forced IMO. Just watch it again without the “influence” of any other programs. 🙂

    • At least 2 kisses!! You know last year we had shirtless Steve for 3 straight episodes then nada for the rest of the season. 😦 I don’t need one every week but every other week is fine. 😉

  2. Just the tiny, little glimpse of steve grabbing cath’s neck makes me all hot and bothered! What’s it with this man and his hand grabbing female necks, triple-unnff!!

  3. Here the last ep to air on television is 02.23!!! and that was just a couple of weeks ago…
    Thank heaven for internet and its possibilities 😀 .
    Will try to survive for another month without the show, but as you all are around to help with it I’m sure I will!

  4. They removed the pants off the wrong man!! Boo 😥 … But I’m NOT saying NO to pantless Chi McBride either 😀 The promo is awesome, thanks for sharing!!

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