33 thoughts on “Pics from #AlexOLoughlin on #TheTalk ***SPOILERS***

  1. The baby pics are killer. And Lion is starting to look like Daddy. 😀
    The ladies can mug all they want, all I”m seeing is Alex in that first pic. :mrgreen:

  2. The interview is a real treat. He was comfortable and relaxed and they had good conversation and even a few new questions so that was nice. Can’t wait for it to be uploaded so we can discuss more!!

    Cutie pie Lion. ❤

      • This is why there is so much speculation and “talk” about what he says sometimes. He just never seems to talk about his personal life in a matter-of-fact, direct way. He said it, but how he said it and the words around it were misleading. Did he in fact “legally” marry Malia or was he just referring to marrying into the family as in her personal family, or did he mean he married into the Hawaiian family as the general Ohana that is Hawaii and it’s people and culture? He can be a bit of an enigma that one! But he is still lovely and regardless he seems happy and healthy!

        • Quite honestly I think he could say it point blank and people will still twist his words…

          This is where his real life ADHD comes into play and all the stories he tells about thinking he’s having an intelligent conversation and then being left trying to figure out where it went bad. It’s how his mind is works. He’s thinking way ahead of where he’s at in the conversation which is probably why he’s so disjointed talking sometimes and starts and stops, he’s already thinking of his next thought before he finishes speaking his last one. I don’t think he’s intentionally trying to be vague (ok maybe sometimes) but sometimes it’s just the way he converses.

  3. Awwwh! So cute – both the big guy and the little one 🙂 I saw this on Facebook (small pic) when someone shared your link and thought it was a baby photo of Alex! I’m such an idiot but I still think there’s a certain resemblance between Alex and Lion on the first picture. I totally hope someone will share the interview with us SOON so we can all enjoy it!

  4. Can’t wait for the interview. Looks from the 1st pic he enjoyed himself. Definitely young Lion is now looking like his dad.

  5. Look at the bottom pic. Kid looks like a trouble maker. I see Spike in that one, the top one looks more like daddy. I guess he will look better older… 😛

    • I love Paula’s take on baby pics. LOVE *wink*
      Also, Lion totally looks like a handful in that bottom pic! He’s got that look on his face!

      • Paula *babyhater* is still at it. 😉 heehee

        The 2nd pic isn’t the cutest kid in the world but we all have to have those pics that our parents will show of us to our first bf’s and gf’s and embarrass the hell out of us. HA!!

        I’m giggling over poor baby’s hair… so funny when baby’s have this crazy hair growth pattern. He has old man hair. hee hee. but’s a happy, adorable baby who does look like he keeps mommy and daddy scrambling on a regular basis! Oh him and Spike are going to be quite the pair when he gets old enough for them to be running around together. LOL watch out!

  6. Adorable! Both big and little O’Loughlin! I am starting to see more of Alex in Lion now that he is older. But I still see lots of similiarities to Spike as well. It does sound like he might be a handful, but it sounds like they were extra doting too! I thought Alex was cute with the whole “Furberized Lion. That could be a movie!” Funny. It was a short interview. I started watching about a minute or two from when the show started thru his interview and I could only envision Alex in the back because they were talking about stars and privacy, etc. Kind of ironic. Now just waiting for tonight!

    • OH man i wanted them to discuss those topics with Alex!! The way they were talking about Joseph Gordon Levitt (who i also adore) and his request for privacy..ok Alex isn’t that bad, he does give us little tidbits and it’s wonderful of him. Anyway when they said they liked that because you know they’re in it for the craft and not to BE a celebrity. I was like, UM, Hello!! You have one of them backstage!!

      Then the topic of vain male stars made me giggle. While I don’t think Alex is vain at all, I think he does know what he has or at least he gets that women like it, regardless if he doesn’t get why. I would have loved to hear him talk about vain male celebrities and his take on it.

  7. Lion is so cute. He is a mix of Alex and Malia. Adorable baby boy.I was so happy to hearing him say that he married into an Hawaiian family, it’s so good to see him happy and relaxed with his life both professional and personal, what made me sad was the reaction of some fans that went ballistic with what he said. Really ??? Well I’m a fan and I’m so happy for them, they make a great couple and that baby boy is the proof.

    • I don’t think that the fans, at least the ones who I follow, exactly went “ballistic” upon hearing that he married into a Hawaiian family, it was more of a shock and “omg did I hear that right?!” I have yet to come across anything negative about that.

      • LOL i didn’t even bother looking at twitter after that statement. I knew some would go ballistic and others would have the “OMG did he just say that” reaction. Of course it depends on who you follow too and what they RT. Either way I’m sure it got people talking!

  8. What a cutie! What a huge head! Not sure who he looks like yet, hopefully Alex since he is a boy. Pretty good hand control for an 11-month old (wonder how his toe control is). Love the two lower teeth!

    • I bet those kids never sit still, Malia has said she doesn’t like to be inside or sitting in front of the TV herself so I’m sure they run, run, run from morning till night together and that’s just wonderful. So many kids don’t get to play outside like they used to. It’s probably partly why Alex will do everything he can to keep them there. He’s probably jibber jabbering away too. Daddy’s probably in the nursery every night coaxing him to say “dada” 😉

  9. I’m so excited I could watch The Talk today for the first time in my life…..it’s been a long day but it worths it. I like Steve but I love see Alex himself being so sweet, nice and kind sharing pics of baby Lion…….I can see he is so proud of his “men factory” at home…….that cutie looks like his daddy <3!!!!

  10. I think Lion looks more like Spike than anyone else. I saw the interview where Alex says “It’s like marrying into a Hawaiian family.” Either way, I think he looks happy and healthy and I think he and Malia are a great couple.

  11. Lion is too cute!! Just like his dad! 🙂 I love that interview on the talk, Love it.. He is just so relaxed. Love the before interview too.

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